General information General information
What is the main activity of the Wild Bunch Group, in which business areas and in which markets is the group active?
Wild Bunch AG was created in 2015 through the merger between Senator Entertainment AG, a German entertainment company, and Wild Bunch S.A., a European film distribution company. Based in Berlin and Paris, the group is a leading independent company for film production, distribution and sales. The activities of the Wild Bunch Group mainly concern France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria. The business segments of the Wild Bunch Group operate along the value chain of the film business and comprise the four business segments production, international distribution, distribution and miscellaneous. The first three business segments (International Distribution, Distribution and Production) form the core business of the Wild Bunch Group "International Distribution and Distribution as well as Film Production", the fourth business segment is the "Others" segment.
Where is the headquarter of the Wild Bunch Group?
The Wild Bunch Group has its registered office at Michaelkirchstr. 17-18, 10179 Berlin, Germany.
According to which accounting principles does the Wild Bunch Group prepare its financial statements?
The Wild Bunch Group reports in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS.
How many employees does Wild Bunch have?
The Wild Bunch Group currently has an average of 132 employees.
Share and stock exchange Share and stock exchange
Wild Bunch AG went public under its former name Senator Entertainment AG on 29 January 1999. The share capital of Wild Bunch AG amounts to EUR 23,942,755.00 and is divided into 23,942,755 no-par value ordinary bearer shares. Thus, 23,942,755 no-par value ordinary bearer shares have been issued. All shares have the same rights. There are no other classes of shares. Frankfurt, Tradegate, Munich, Düsseldorf, Berlin-Bremen, Stuttgart, Hamburg-Hanover ISIN DE000A2TSU21 / WKN A2TSU2 The Wild Bunch shares are listed on the Regulated Market and in the General Standard segment. They belong to the indices CDAX (Performance), CDAX (Price Index), General Standard Index (Performance), General Standard Index (Price Index) and General All-Share (Price). The shareholder structure of Wild Bunch AG is characterized by one stable and long-term oriented major shareholder. The major shareholder Voltaire Finance B.V. holds over 98.16 % of the shares in Wild Bunch AG. A further 1.84 % are in free float. Click HERE to see the shareholder structure chart. As of 31 December 2021, Wild Bunch AG held a total of 60 own shares. When did Wild Bunch go public?
How many shares have been issued?
Do all shares have the same rights?
On which stock exchanges is the share traded?
What is the ISIN / securities identification number of the shares of the company?
In which segments and indices are the shares listed or do they belong to?
What is the shareholder structure of the company?
Does Wild Bunch AG hold its own shares?
Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting
The date for the next Annual General Meeting of Wild Bunch AG you will find HERE. As soon as the current invitation is available, you will find it HERE. As soon as the agenda for the next Annual General Meeting has been set, you will find it HERE. We will make the voting results of the Annual General Meeting available on our website in a timely manner. You will then find the results HERE. When and where will the next Annual General Meeting take place?
Where can I find the invitation to the next Annual General Meeting?
Where can I find information on the agenda items for the next Annual General Meeting?
When will the voting results be announced?
Financials Financials
The Wild Bunch Group publishes annual financial reports as well as half-year financial reports. You can find the published financial reports on the page Publications. The financial year of the Wild Bunch Group corresponds to the calendar year. It ends on December 31. Where can I find the latest financial reports?
What is the financial year of the Wild Bunch Group?
Contact for shareholders Contact for shareholders
You can contact us for your investor relations questions via: Wild Bunch AG Who can I contact if I have further questions?
T: +49 30 880 91 700
F: +49 30 880 91 774