July 8, 2015
Senator Entertainment AG renamed Wild Bunch AG
Berlin, 8 July 2015 – The general meeting of shareholders of Senator Entertainment AG has approved changing the name of the company into Wild Bunch AG. The Senator name will remain as a brand for production.
The General Meeting has also approved the nomination of three new board members, Mr Hans Mahr, Chairman of MahrMedia and previously member of the Premiere AG and RTL Group Managements, Mr Pierre Tattevin, partner at Lazard, and Mr Benjamin Waisbren, Partner at Winston Strawn law firm and President of LSC Film. The Supervisory Board, together with Prof. Katja Nettesheim, Mr. Tarek Malak and Wolf-D. Gramatke (Chairman), continues to have 6 members.
The renaming of the company and the revamping of its Supervisory Board into a more international entity, strong of the experience and network of its members, are formal evidences of its willingness to start anew, and to play a major role in the evolution of the European Filmed Entertainment sector, generating strong and profitable growth in the years to come.
Wild Bunch (Paris)
Louise de Monjour
Phone +33 (143) 132123
Email: ldemonjour@wildbunch.eu
cometis AG
Ulrich Wiehle / Thorben Burbach
Phone +49 (611) 205855-23
Email: burbach@cometis.de