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November 19, 2013

Interim report from management (§37x WpHG)

• Results of theatrical openings in the 3rd quarter of 2013 fell behind management’s expectations • By the end of September the company has released 14 films with a total of 2.1 million tickets sold in German cinemas • The sales and profit guidance for 2013 have been adjusted

In the third quarter of the current financial year SENATOR has released four smaller films in cinemas, all of which performed less well than expected by management. The sole exception was the summer premiere of the novel adaptation MR. MORGAN’S LAST LOVE (opened August 22nd, 2013) by Sandra Nettelbeck. The two-time Oscar® winner Sir Michael Caine and the French shooting star Clémence Poésy celebrated the première at the 31st Munich Film Festival. The film, produced in collaboration with Kaminski.Stiehm.Film and Bavaria Pictures, is the first result of the joint venture between SENATOR Film München GmbH (Munich) and Bavaria Pictures GmbH (Munich) which was sealed in 2012. The success of the film consolidates the plan to bring more own and joint productions into German cinemas.

By the end of September the company had opened 14 films with a total of 2.1 million tickets sold in German cinemas. The SENATOR group plans a total of 19 theatrical releases for the financial year 2013.

In the Home Entertainment segment, SENATOR released 6 films during the 3rd quarter in rental and retail divisions. For the continuing financial year roughly 40 releases are planned for the Home Entertainment segment.

Two projects which had been purchased at this year’s Cannes Festival give a preview of 2014: the biopic MANDELA – THE LONG WALK TO FREEDOM (premières January 30th, 2014), based on Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, directed by Justin Chadwick and starring Idris Elba and Naomi Harris; and EN SOLITAIRE (international title: TURNING TIDE, premières April 14th, 2014), directed by Christophe Offenstein and starring François Cluzet (INTOUCHABLES), Guillaume Canet (ENSEMBLE, C’EST TOUT) and Virginie Effira (LA CHANCE DE MA VIE).

In the SENATOR Family division, March 13th, 2014 will see the release of PETTERSON & FINDUS – KLEINER QUÄLGEIST, GROSSE FREUNDSCHAFT, currently in post-production at the animation and FX studios Pixomondo.

The goal of investing more in own productions will be met with the following releases: Anton Corbijn’s thriller A MOST WANTED MAN, starring Hollywood greats Philip Seymour Hoffman, Willem Dafoe and Rachel McAdams, and the completed adaptation of the best-seller DER KOCH, featuring Jessica Schwarz.

Helge Sasse (CEO, SENATOR Entertainment AG): “It hurts to see that our 2013 portfolio fell short of expectations at the box office. But it is also important to mention that some cinema premières which had been slated for 2013 have been postponed to 2014, and we will also only been able to realize some TV sales in 2014 which had been initially planned for 2013. We are,” Sasse says, “very well set up for 2014, and we look positively into the next year with a diverse and exciting programme“.

Forecast for the financial year 2013: Since the last big SENATOR film of the year opened over a week ago (IM WEISSEN RÖSSL – WEHE, DU SINGST!) the Management Board is assuming that the Group sales for the full year are at the lower end of the expected corridor in the range of EUR 30-33 million (previously EUR 30-50 million). The EBIT objective can no longer be reached. The total of tickets sold will fall short of planned numbers, and revenue from TV sales will also probably not fully meet expectations. Consequently, the Management Board is assuming negative EBIT (previously in the positive lower single figure million range).

For further enquiries please contact: SENATOR Entertainment AG Antje Pankow (Director of Publicity/ SVP) Tel. +49 (0)30-88091-551 E-Mail: